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Pain & Sports Medicine
Chronic pain and inflammation are major problems in our current society and are placing a heavy burden on the medical system.
Did you know that one of the most common reasons for visits to a doctor in the United States is back pain?
There are many different reasons you may be experiencing pain and inflammation.
The good news is that our clinic can help solve the following types of pain:
sports injuries
deep tissue muscular trigger points – “tight muscles”
inflammatory pain – from food or other lifestyle factors
overweight/obesity-related pain
hormonal-related pain
posture-related pain
digestive-related pain
Typically, the athletes we work with are dealing with chronic or acute pain from a sports injury (either an injury from over three months ago or recently less than three months ago). Included here are general sports physicals that are required prior to competition.
Our job is to get the athlete back into championship mode where they can perform even better than before the injury.
In both non-athletes and athletes, we use a combination of acupuncture, manual trigger point therapy, cupping, gua sha, nutrition, nutrient supplementation, botanical medicine, homeopathy, and lifestyle strategies to help reduce the pain you’re dealing with.
We believe that as you age the body can get stronger, more resilient, and physically healthier than ever before, pain-free!