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Women’s Health
As women age there are many changes that may develop through different life stages:
night sweats, hot flashes, sleep disturbances
menstrual cramps
polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
heavy menstrual bleeding and other menstrual irregularities
sexual dysfunction and low libido
anxiety, depression, irritability, anger
weight gain
difficulty losing body fat and building lean muscle mass
low progesterone, estradiol, and other female hormones
low testosterone
low energy
brain fog
hair loss, dry skin, weak and brittle nails
cardiovascular disease – increased risk of heart attack and stroke
inflammation, aches, and pains throughout the body

These above-listed conditions are far too common among women globally, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer from them for the rest of your life.
Our doctors have the tools and experience needed to help you reach the level of health and happiness that you deserve!